The Basics of Backgammon Tactics – Part One
Nov 16th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English ]

The goal of a Backgammon game is to move your checkers around the game board and bear them off the board faster than your challenger who works harder to do the same buthowever they move in the opposing direction. Winning a round of Backgammon requires both tactics and good luck. Just how far you will be able to shift your pieces is left to the numbers from rolling the dice, and the way you shift your pieces are decided on by your overall playing strategies. Players use a number of plans in the differing parts of a match depending on your positions and opponent’s.

The Running Game Strategy

The aim of the Running Game technique is to entice all your pieces into your inner board and bear them off as quickly as you can. This tactic concentrates on the pace of advancing your checkers with absolutely no efforts to hit or stop your competitor’s chips. The best time to employ this tactic is when you believe you can shift your own checkers quicker than your opposing player does: when 1) you have a fewer pieces on the board; 2) all your chips have moved beyond your competitor’s pieces; or 3) the opponent does not use the hitting or blocking strategy.

The Blocking Game Technique

The primary aim of the blocking plan, by its name, is to stop the opponent’s pieces, temporarily, while not fretting about moving your chips quickly. As soon as you’ve established the barrier for your competitor’s movement with a few checkers, you can move your other pieces swiftly off the game board. The player should also have an apparent strategy when to back off and move the checkers that you employed for blocking. The game becomes intriguing when your competitor uses the same blocking technique.

The Essential Details of Backgammon Strategies – Part 2
Nov 14th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

As we dicussed in the previous article, Backgammon is a game of ability and pure luck. The goal is to shift your checkers safely around the game board to your inside board and at the same time your opposing player shifts their pieces toward their home board in the opposite direction. With competing player checkers moving in opposing directions there is going to be conflict and the requirement for particular tactics at particular times. Here are the last 2 Backgammon plans to finish off your game.

The Priming Game Plan

If the purpose of the blocking strategy is to hamper the opponents ability to move their pieces, the Priming Game strategy is to absolutely stop any movement of the opponent by building a prime – ideally 6 points in a row. The opponent’s checkers will either get hit, or result a battered position if he at all tries to leave the wall. The ambush of the prime can be established anywhere between point two and point 11 in your board. As soon as you’ve successfully constructed the prime to stop the activity of the opponent, your competitor does not even get a chance to toss the dice, and you move your pieces and roll the dice yet again. You’ll win the game for sure.

The Back Game Strategy

The objectives of the Back Game technique and the Blocking Game strategy are very similar – to hinder your opponent’s positions with hope to boost your chances of succeeding, however the Back Game technique uses different techniques to do that. The Back Game strategy is commonly used when you are far behind your opponent. To compete in Backgammon with this strategy, you have to hold 2 or more points in table, and to hit a blot (a single piece) late in the game. This technique is more difficult than others to employ in Backgammon seeing as it needs careful movement of your checkers and how the pieces are moved is partly the outcome of the dice roll.

Backgammon – tres planes básicos
Nov 11th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

En términos muy generales, hay 3 juegos principales planes de empleo. Usted necesita ser capaz de cambiar los planes de juego de inmediato como la acción del juego se desarrolla.

El bloqueo

Este consiste en la creación de un 6-pared gruesa de damas, o por lo menos tan gruesa como se puede lograr, a la barricada en las piezas de su competidor que están en su 1-punto. Esto se considera ser el curso más adecuado de la acción en el comienzo del partido. Usted puede crear la pared de cualquier lugar dentro de su once y su punto 2-punto, y luego trasladarla en su tablero como los avances del juego.

El Blitz

Este se compone de cerrar su tablero tan rápido como sea posible mientras mantiene su rival en la barra. Por ejemplo, si su competidor deja caer una dos tempranos y los cambios de una sola pieza de su único punto a la de 3 puntos y, a continuación, rollo de cinco años, que son capaces de jugar 6 / 1 seis / un 8 / 3 ocho o tres . Su desafío está ahora en grave calamidad, ya que tienen 2 unidades en la barra y de haber cerrado la mitad de su junta en casa!

El Backgame

Esta táctica es donde usted tiene 2 o más fichas en el tablero interno de su oponente. (Un punto de anclaje es un punto que consiste en al menos dos de sus piezas.) Sería reproducirán cuando están muy por detrás, ya que mejora mucho su situación. Las áreas más fuertes de los puntos de anclaje son más pequeños cerca de los puntos de su oponente y ya sea en los puntos limítrofes o con un solo punto los separa. El tiempo es integrante de un backgame eficaz: además, no hay razón para tener dos anclas agradable y una pared sólida en su propio tablero, si se ven obligados a romper este de inmediato, mientras que su rival está cambiando sus fichas de origen, teniendo en cuenta que usted no tiene ninguna ficha otro extra para moverse libremente! En esta situación, es más tolerable para tener fichas en la barra de manera que son capaces de conservar su posición hasta que su adversario te ofrece una oportunidad de éxito, así que puede ser una excelente idea para intentar y conseguir que su competidor de éxito en este caso!

Backgammon – Trois plans de base
Nov 11th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

En termes très généraux, il existe 3 plans de jeu de chef de salariés. Vous devez être capable de passer instantanément plans de match que l'action du jeu se déroule.

Le Blocus

Il consiste en la création d'un 6-épais mur de dames, ou au moins aussi épais que vous pouvez réaliser, de se barricader dans les pièces de votre concurrent qui sont sur votre 1-point. Cela est considéré comme la voie la plus appropriée de l'action au début du match. Vous pouvez créer le mur de n'importe où dans votre onze points et vos 2-point et passer ensuite dans votre conseil à la maison que le jeu avance.

The Blitz

Ce montant se compose de résiliation de votre conseil à la maison le plus vite possible tout en gardant votre adversaire sur la barre. Par exemple, si votre concurrent lance un des premiers deux ans et se déplace d'un morceau de ton point de vos 3-point et vous roulez alors une période de cinq-cinq ans, vous êtes en mesure de jouer 6 / 1 Six / une 8 / 3 huit à trois . Votre adversaire est maintenant dans la calamité grave, car ils ont 2 pièces sur le bar et vous avez fermé la moitié de votre conseil à la maison!

Le Backgame

Cette tactique est l'endroit où vous avez 2 ou plusieurs pions à bord interne de votre adversaire. (Une place un point d'ancrage est constitué d'au moins deux de vos pièces.) Il serait joué quand vous êtes loin derrière car il améliore beaucoup vos circonstances. Les domaines les plus importants pour trouver des points d'ancrage sont à proximité des points plus petits de votre adversaire et, soit sur des points adjacentes ou avec un seul point les sépare. Le timing est intégrale pour un backgame efficace: d'ailleurs, il n'ya aucune raison d'avoir deux ancres agréable et un solide mur de votre conseil propre maison si vous êtes alors contraint de briser ce droit de suite, alors que votre adversaire se déplace ses pions à domicile, en tenant compte que vous n'avez pas d'autres contrôleurs supplémentaires pour bouger! Dans cette situation, il n'est plus tolérable d'avoir pions sur la barre afin que vous soyez en mesure de conserver votre position jusqu'à ce que votre opposant vous offre l'occasion de frapper, de sorte qu'il mai est une excellente idée pour tenter de vos concurrents et d'obtenir des coups sur ce cas!

Backgammon – tre piani di base
Nov 11th, 2009 by Claudia
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In termini molto generali, ci sono 3 capo pronto piani occupati. È necessario essere in grado di passare istantaneamente piani di gioco, come l'azione del gioco si svolge.

Il blocco

Questa consiste nel creare un muro di spessore da 6 a dama, o almeno spesso come è possibile ottenere, a barricarsi in pezzi di un concorrente che si trovano sul vostro 1 punto. Questo è considerato il corso più adatto di azione all'inizio della partita. È possibile creare il muro ovunque all'interno della vostra undici punti e il 2-point e poi spostarlo nella vostra tavola interna con l'avanzare del gioco.

Il Blitz

Questo è composto di chiudere il vostro bordo domestico il più velocemente possibile, mantenendo il tuo sfidante sul bancone. Ad esempio, se il vostro concorrente getta uno e due primi turni di un pezzo dal tuo punto uno alla tua a 3 punti e quindi si tira un cinque-cinque, sei in grado di riprodurre 6 / 1 sei / un 8 / 3 otto / tre . Il tuo sfidante è ora in gravi calamità poiché hanno 2 pezzi sul bancone e si è chiusa metà della vostra pensione a casa!

Il Backgame

Questa tattica è dove si hanno 2 o più pedine nella tavola interna del tuo avversario. (Un punto di ancoraggio è un punto costituito da almeno due dei vostri pezzi.) Sarebbe riprodotto quando si sono notevolmente dietro in quanto migliora molto la situazione. Le aree più forte per macchie di ancoraggio sono in prossimità dei punti più piccoli del tuo avversario e sia su punti adiacenti o con un solo punto li separa. Calendario è parte integrante di un backgame efficace: del resto, non c'è ragione che due ancore di Nizza e una parete solida nella vostra pensione casa propria se si è poi costretti a rompere questo subito, mentre il vostro avversario si sta spostando le loro pedine a casa, tenendo conto che non hanno alcun pedine altri extra a muoversi! In questa situazione, è più tollerabile per avere pedine sulla barra in modo che siano in grado di mantenere la posizione fino a che il oppositore vi dà l'opportunità di colpire, in modo che possa essere un'ottima idea per cercare e ottenere il vostro concorrente a colpire in questo caso!

Backgammon – Drei Basic Pläne
Nov 11th, 2009 by Claudia
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Ganz allgemein gibt es 3 Chef Spiel Plänen beschäftigt. Sie müssen in der Lage sein Spiel Pläne sofort als die Handlung des Spiels wechseln entfaltet.

Die Blockade

Diese besteht in der Schaffung einer 6-dicke Mauer Dame, oder zumindest so dick wie möglich zu erreichen, in Stücke Ihrer Mitbewerber, die auf dem 1-Punkt sind Barrikade. Dies gilt als die am besten geeignete Vorgehensweise zu Beginn des Spiels. Sie können die Wand an jedem Ort innerhalb Ihres elf-Punkt zu erstellen und Ihre 2-Punkt und verschieben sie dann in Ihr Zuhause Bord je nach Spielstand.

Der Blitz

Dies ist die Schließung Ihres Hauses Bord umfasst schnell wie möglich und dabei Ihre Herausforderer auf den Balken. Zum Beispiel, wenn Ihr Konkurrent wirft eine frühe und zwei Schichten ein Stück aus dem Ein-Punkt-zu Ihrem 3-Punkt-und rollen Sie dann ein zwischen fünf und fünf, können Sie 6 / 1 sechs spielen / ein 8 / 3 acht / drei . Ihr Herausforderer ist jetzt in schweren Unglück, da sie 2 Stück auf der Bar, und Sie haben Ihr Haus halb geschlossen Bord!

Die Backgame

Diese Taktik ist, wo man 2 oder mehr Kontrolleure haben im inneren Bord Ihres Gegners. (Ein Anker ist ein Punkt, Punkt, bestehend aus mindestens zwei Ihrer Stücke.) Es wäre gespielt werden, wenn Sie sich deutlich, wie es hinter viel verbessert Ihre Umstände. Die stärksten Bereiche für die Anker-Spots sind in der Nähe von kleineren Punkte des Gegners und entweder auf angrenzenden Punkte oder mit einem Punkt trennen. Das Timing ist für eine effektive backgame integraler: außer, es gibt keinen Grund, mit zwei schönen Anker und eine feste Wand in Ihrem eigenen Haus Boot, wenn Sie sind dann gezwungen, zu brechen das sofort, während Ihr Herausforderer ihre Kontrolleure Hause verlagert sich unter Berücksichtigung Sie haben noch keine andere zusätzliche Steine zu bewegen! In dieser Situation ist es erträglich zu Steinen auf der Bar zu haben, damit Sie in der Lage sind, Ihre Position zu bewahren, bis Ihr opposer bietet Ihnen eine Chance zu treffen, so dass es eine gute Idee zu versuchen, und nutzen Sie Ihr Konkurrent, sie zu schlagen sein kann in diesem Fall!

Backgammon – Three Basic Plans
Nov 7th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

In very general terms, there are 3 chief game plans employed. You need to be able to switch game plans instantly as the action of the game unfolds.

The Blockade

This consists of creating a 6-thick wall of checkers, or at a minimum as thick as you can achieve, to barricade in your competitor’s pieces that are on your 1-point. This is deemed to be the most suitable course of action at the begining of the match. You can create the wall anyplace within your eleven-point and your 2-point and then shift it into your home board as the game advances.

The Blitz

This is comprised of closing your home board as quick as possible while keeping your challenger on the bar. For example, if your competitor tosses an early two and shifts one piece from your one-point to your 3-point and you then roll a five-five, you are able to play 6/1 six/one 8/3 eight/three. Your challenger is now in serious calamity since they have 2 pieces on the bar and you have closed half your home board!

The Backgame

This tactic is where you have 2 or more checkers in your opponent’s inner board. (An anchor spot is a point consisting of at least two of your pieces.) It would be played when you are significantly behind as it much improves your circumstances. The strongest areas for anchor spots are near your opponent’s smaller points and either on adjoining points or with a single point separating them. Timing is integral for an effective backgame: besides, there’s no reason having two nice anchors and a solid wall in your own home board if you are then forced to break up this straight away, while your challenger is shifting their checkers home, taking into account that you don’t have any other extra checkers to move! In this situation, it is more tolerable to have checkers on the bar so that you are able to preserve your position until your opposer provides you a chance to hit, so it may be an excellent idea to attempt and get your competitor to hit them in this case!

Web Backgammon For Money
Nov 7th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Real cash net backgammon has acquired a fair amount of fame in recent years with people from all over the globe, but you do not need to always wager cash in order to participate. A great many web software games can be played in free play mode. This is a fun way to discover the game and to improve your backgammon skills. It can also be an effective way to augment your plan and technique. As soon as a player has built up her tactics and backbone at free backgammon, it’s then the opportunity to try out a number of real cash games.

Remember that real money backgammon is serious business and you could be up against some talented gamblers with a lot of ability, so make sure that you are up to play before starting to bet on online backgammon for money. There are a lot of portals on the world wide web that are completely committed to backgammon so be sure to use to your advantage of all that gratis material. That, in combination with free play games, will help you improve your techniques and overall your odds of profiting.

Net backgammon is a fantastic hobby that bands together the chance of dice rolls with real player skills. You need to think fast and read the backgammon game to make sure that you win at this game. Try no charge game software to hone your abilities at web backgammon and then begin a bona fide cash game.

Free Action Versus Bonafide Money Net Backgammon
Nov 5th, 2009 by Claudia
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Internet backgammon is a popular game that has been wagered on in a number of various societies for thousands of years. This game for two combines aspects of luck and skill which is what makes it fun and entertaining. Backgammon is frequently played for actual wagers but can also be played for fun. With the creation of the net age came a abundance of classic games that have been changed for the web and can be played on the internet via wagering software. The great part about such software is that it permits people to wager for no cost or for actual money games.

Backgammon on the web is abundantly available on the internet and internet software programs have made wonderful breakthroughs from the time that they were 1st introduced more than ten years ago. Players can easily wager on backgammon with either a actual opponent or the computer. Once they have picked from a bunch of different software providers available on the web, they can retrieve the software and bet on backgammon on the net.

Alternatively, some gaming software is acquirable in no-download flash adaptation. This is what’s known as browser-based gambling and instead of downloading the application to the PC and install it, the player just simply clicks and plays right in an internet browser like safari. They may also offer several backgammon game options such as one-on-one or a free roll tournament. It’s always preferred that the gambler first analyze the internet backgammon policies prior to choosing a variation to enjoy. Tournaments for instance might have exclusive guidelines regarding entrance costs and minimum number of players.

Real cash web backgammon has achieved a lot of fame in recent years with individuals from all over the globe, but you don’t need to always bet cash in order to play. Several internet software games are available in no charge play mode. This is a fun way to pickup the game and to improve your gambling skills. It might also be an excellent way to boost your schemes and technique. Once a player has developed her abilities and assuredness at free backgammon, it is then time to check out a number of actual money games.

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